Improvements and Changes

Starting July 1st 2019 there will be a few upgrades that will take place. As we grow (Woodstock opening July 13th!!!) we are adding a couple things.


  1. Pull Up Bars
  2. Myokores (instead of TRX)
  3. Louder Sound Systems/Instructor microphones
  4. More class times

At Twisted Cycle we are constantly trying to push the limits of what you “think” you can do. How many of you couldn’t do a push up when you first started, and now you’re cranking out 20-30 of those bad boys!


CHANGES:  (Most STARTING 8/1/2019)



Something we’re always trying to improve at Twisted Cycle is the overall experience. We know we’re the Best. Workout. Ever…. but we want to be more than just a workout. We feel that “Overfill” classes takes away from your experience. If the instructor is spending too much time with the bike, the circuits get ignored. If the instructor is too focused on the circuits, then the bike section suffers. Another issue with overfill is when you register for a bike, but then it ends up being overfilled, and your section doesn’t start on the bike. The final issue with overfill is when we post the format on the board/app but then it’s overfilled so it has to change. So, for these three reason we will be doing away with overfilled classes. We will be adding bikes to Acworth, so there will be 20 spots available per class. There will be 16 spots in Kennesaw, and Woodstock will start with 16 as well. Just like your bodies, we are trying to constantly change and improve. We will continue to monitor these changes to see if additional changes need to be made.


Something else we’ve noticed that is damaging the experience of participants, is other participants showing up after the class has started. We know that things happen, and sometimes it can’t be helped. We will spend exactly 5 minutes before class (we will literally set a timer) explaining the exercises. When we are finished explaining the exercises (and the timer runs out) the doors will close, and participants who show up after the 5 minutes is up won’t be able to enter the class. We understand this may be frustrating, so we will allow you to reschedule for a class that same day without forfeiting a class. However, it must be reschedule for a class that same day.

When the class time starts (Example: 5:30am, or 5:45pm etc…) all OPEN bikes (if you registered for a bike, but are not present at the start time, your bike is now OPEN) will become available on a first come first serve bases. If you walk in class 3 minutes after the class time has started, your bike may not be available anymore.  If there is someone on the waitlist, and they are in the lobby, they will be permitted to take any OPEN bikes after the 5 minute “Grace Period” is up.


John Doe has registered for bike #5 for the 5:30am class on Monday. Peter Joe (not related) was registered for that same class but is on the waitlist. Peter only lives 3 minutes away, so he decided to try his luck and come anyway hoping someone would cancel or not show. It is now 5:35am and John Doe hasn’t come into the studio yet. Bike #5 is now OPEN. Peter, who is waiting in the lobby, is now allowed to take bike #5.

We understand this may be frustrating, but we are wanting to make sure that everyone gets the full experience. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding with these changes. 

3. SUSPENSIONS: (Effective immediately

We have always tried to make your experience as hassle free as possible. We wanted to make the ability to suspend you accounts as convenient as possible, however, due to some recent miscommunications we feel it will be best to talk to someone in-person to fully explain the full terms of a suspension/un-suspension. Effective immediately all suspensions and cancellations must be made in-person at any studio location. All other forms (verbal, email, phone call, or through the “contact us” form of the website or any other form) will not be honored.  Please plan your requests in advance. It takes 3 business days to process these requests. Suspension/cancellation requests made within 3 business days of your bill date will still be processed. 

In summary:


  1. Adding pull up bars to each location
  2. Improving the sound/mic system
  3. Switching the TRXs to Myokores at each location
  4. Adding more class times (See schedule for details/vary by location)

Changes: (Starting 8/1/2019) 

  1. No overfill
  2. No Late Entry

(Effective Immediately)

  1. No online suspensions


*Please see the front for more details/questions*